Pearl Millet

Beneficial Vitamins and Nutrients
  • Protein – a rich source of protein at 11.6g per 100g, which aids in muscle recovery and development
  • Iron – contains the highest amount of iron compared to any other millet, rice, or wheat, which is important in transporting oxygen in the blood
  • Carotene – contains the highest amount of carotene compared to any other millet, rice, or wheat, which is important for healthy skin, immune system, and eyesight
  • Phosphorus – a rich source of phosphorus, which plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth and aids the processing of carbohydrates and fats
Benefits to Health Conditions
  • Can support brain health due to the presence of omega 3
  • Contains B complex vitamin which is responsible for many benefits such as hair and nail health, stress reduction, anxiety, depression, etc.
  • May help prevent constipation and aid the digestive system
  • Contains insoluble fibre, which is good for gut health
  • Has a heating effect on the body (good in cold climates, as it helps regulate body temperature)
  • Has a heating effect on the body (may not be suitable for people with heat retention issues ie. Hyperthermia)
  • Gout sufferers should be cautious when consuming this millet because pearl millet releases uric acid in the body, which can aggravate gout pain
  • Pearl millet is high in oxalates, which means that excessive consumption may lead to the formation of kidney stones