Finger Millet Flakes

Finger Millet Flakes

$5.99 Per Kg (2 Lbs)

Glueten Free

High antioxidant helps in in fighting inflammation which is leading cause of all metabolic diseases

Helps in weight loss


  • Promotes bone health due to the combination of vitamin D and calcium that it contains (4 times more calcium than milk) and is the best non-dairy source of calcium
  • Finger millet is good for toddlers, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers due to its high iron and calcium content, which will help increase milk production and balance hormone levels
  • Contains prebiotics that help to fight bad bacteria in the stomach
  • Contains antioxidants and amino acids, which have been shown to help with anxiety, depression, migraines, and insomnia
  • Good for people with anemia due to high iron content
  • Even contains amino acids which prevent skin wrinkling and sagging!

Additional information

Weight 1 kg