Benefits to Consumers

Better Health

One of the root causes of many health issues today is related to the bloodstream becoming overwhelmed with glucose in a short period; instead, it is healthier for the bloodstream to receive a gradual influx of glucose. When food that lacks fibre, such as rice or wheat, is consumed, the carbohydrates in the food are quickly converted into glucose and get flushed into the bloodstream. This sudden rush of glucose overloads the bloodstream and can lead to health issues such as:

  • Diabetes (affects 463 million adults between the ages of 27 to 79 globally and is predicted to increase to 700 million by 2045)
  • High cholesterol (estimated to cause 2.6 million deaths per year globally or 4.5% of total deaths)
  • Elevated blood pressure/Hypertension (an estimated 1.13 billion people worldwide have hypertension, with around two-thirds living in low- and middle-income countries)
  • Obesity (worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975; in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight; of these over 650 million were considered obese, which has been linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, and some cancers)
  • Heart disease (the number one cause of death globally in 2019)
  • Stroke (the number two cause of death globally in 2019)

Eat away your health problems with millets!

Rice and wheat, staple grains around the world today, are significantly lacking in fibre; red and brown rice contain 0.2% fibre per hundred grams and wheat contains 1.2% fibre per hundred grams. However, the more common types of rice and wheat – which are white/polished rice and genetically modified (GMO) wheat – are even worse, and contain 0% fibre per hundred grams! As a result, when rice and/or wheat are consumed, it takes only thirty minutes for the bloodstream to be fully flooded with a sudden rush of glucose. On the other hand, millets contain fibre amounts between 1.2% to 12.5% per hundred grams, which makes them have a low glycemic index; in other words, they release glucose into the bloodstream slowly and steadily, taking anywhere between 2 and 6 hours. Therefore, millets benefit consumers by controlling glucose spikes and imbalances, which can prevent diabetes, high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and stroke.

On top of this, millets contain other benefits to consumers:

  • Gluten-Free: Suitable for people with Celiac disease or who are gluten intolerant
  • Rich in Micronutrients: Such as protein, vitamins, and minerals
  • Boosts Immunity: Millets are rich in Antioxidants which combat free radicals inside the body, leading to increased immunity to infection
  • Easy Digestion: Millets are non-acidic, so they won’t upset your digestive system
  • Can Aid in Existing Health Issues: Browntop Millet, Barnyard Millet, Little Millet, Kodo Millet, and Foxtail Millet have the properties to detoxify specific organs in the body resulting in potential benefits for many health issues
  • Metabolism Booster: Fibre takes more energy for the body to digest, which increases metabolism and aids in weight loss

The nutrition chart below shows the number of micronutrients available in each type of millet and proves that millets are rich in fibre when compared to rice and wheat by showcasing their respective ratios of carbohydrate to fibre.